The endorphin, hormone of happiness!

The benefits of training and physical activity are obvious. In addition to all the benefits to the body such as increased resistance, fitness , better speed, power and strength as well as improving the appearance , there are many psychological benefits to exercise regularly. Indeed, our mind is also greatly affected by exercise.

Among the many psychological benefits to train , the first and most obvious is the release of hormones. More specifically, the release of endorphins gives us a sense of calm and makes us feel more energetic and positive.

Endorphins are known for their analgesic properties . For this reason, endorphin is often called the hormone of happiness. The secretion occurs when the body has to bear pain and it leaves a feeling of euphoria somewhat comparable to the effects caused by recreational drugs such as marijuana. However, endorphin has the advantage of not creating any negative effect on the body , unlike these illegal substances.

On the other hand , according to experts who have studied the subject, the endorphins production is ” boosted ” after a major effort , for example after a workout or a running session. After these sessions, the production of endorphins can last fifteen minutes without interruption and the effects are felt for about forty-five minutes. Wanting to recreate what “high” is one of the reasons why some people become addicted to exercise. Also mention that the endorphin allows our body to push its limits.

Let’s Push the thinking a little further. In our body , endorphins are designed to be released in case of stress , particularly to help the heart to face the pain without making it disappear completely . So when we exercise, our brain interprets that our body is under stress and therefore with the release of endorphins , it tries to keep us calm , happy and painless.

In summary, the secretion of endorphins allows us to mitigate the negative emotions and sensations and replaces these feelings by an incredible sense of well-being. Over the trainings , endorphin production can reach up to five times the normal production.

So in addition to that feelings of euphoria, we are better prepared to deal with depression and other concerns that plague our lives . So let’s keep training to take benefit from this pleasant sensation again and again!

by Stephane Carbonneau

Tags: endorphin happiness hormone Stephane Carbonneau training

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